Friday 23 January 2015

Enchantment Show!

Hey Everyone! Last Friday it was the opening show for my Mums disney princess project called Enchantment. The show is at Beside the Wave gallery in Falmouth, Cornwall. If your reading this and you don't live in Cornwall and can't go see the show then you must go to and check out the images of the show. 

The show began on Friday the 15th of January opening with the private view which was amazing and filled with happy smiley people. I got to do my first job of photography, photographing the show for three local newspapers capturing all the people who came and all the happiness. So many people came and it was a wonderful event. 
Here's some of the photos from the private view:
Myself with my print.
Models for Anna and Elsa with their prints.
Sleeping Beauty with her print.
Pocahontas with her print.
Tinker Bell and mum with her print.
Packed gallery.
Mulan and mum with her print.
Rapunzel and her boyfriend with her print.
Princess Belle and Beast with their print.
 The Enchantment show like I said in my previous blog about Enchantment the project is for Cancer Research and I feel so proud to have been involved with this being Princess Belle and assisting my amazing Mum with the shoots. I am of course super proud of my Mum she is truly an inspiring amazing human! 
Most of the props made were made by Mary Griffin who is my Nanny. These props that she had made for the princess and the shoots are the best piece of art I have seen her do. They are amazing! If you'd like to see them go to and you can view them and even buy them if you like them. 
Olaf from Frozen made by Mary Griffin.

The show will be ending on the 31st of January, closing with a live auction so if your in Cornwall and you like the prints and props then come along its going to be amazing and you can raise some money for Cancer research. 

Sunday 18 January 2015

Liebster Award!

Hello my lovely viewers! Today I got nominated for the Liebster Award! All thanks to the lovely Stormydoos! Go check out her lovely blog! I am so grateful to be nominated this award, its a big step for my blog! 

For the people who don't know what the Liebster Award is, it was created to recognise and/or discover new bloggers and welcome them to the blogging world. In the digital world of the internet, this seems like a nice gesture, in my opinion! It is a way of promoting your blog and getting your blog more out there. 

The Rules: 
  • Post a short Q&A about themselves.
  • Answer the questions the tagger has asked.
  • Create a new questionnaire for their own nominees.
  • Choose a couple of their own nominees and let them know through social media. 
So here are my questions and answers from Storm :)
  1. Most embarrassing thing to happen to you? I haven't really done anything massively embarrassing but I'm sure everyone has had that embarrassing moment when their dress/skirt has blown up and everyone has seen so I'm going to go with that answer because that has happened a few times to me.
  2. Best trick ever played on someone? I don't think nor remember if I have ever played a trick on someone and if I have then it was probably really bad.
  3. Most stupid thing you ever done? I have done stupid things but I can not write about them.
  4. Amount of sleep you get on average each night? I have around about 7-8 hours sleep each night.
  5. Do you have any middle names, if so what are they? I do in fact have a middle name. It is Holly Mary Kenyon
  6. Do you have any pets, if so what are they? I do have pets, and I have 7 in total. I have a Labrador, chorkie, jack Russel cross, pug, Yorkshire terrier and two grey/blue kittens.
  7. Favourite thing to do in your spare time? My favourite thing to do in my spare time is skating, photography and watching films or reading.
  8. How do you come up for the content of your blog? I get inspiration from social media such as: tumblr, pinterest etc. I also get content from my mum, where I live, films, books, my friends, other bloggers and from someone that has said something interesting that I thought I could write about.
  9. Favourite subject at school/college? I have two favourite subjects in school, which are media and art. 
Thank you again Storm for nominating me! I appreciate. I'd like to nominate...
My awesome Aunty, Tiffany-
My cousin, Beth-
And of course the lovely Storm-
 Here are your questions:
  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What is the worst thing that you are scared of?
  3. What do you do when you are not blogging?
  4. What is your favourite food? And why?
  5. What's your favourite quote?
  6. Has blogging helped your personally in life?
  7. What blogger inspires you?
  8. What is your favourite animal?
  9. If you could be anything in the world, what would you be?
  10. And finally, how do you come up for the content of your blog?
All you need to do is the rules and answer the questions! Good luck :)

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Art Trip To St Ives.

For a school trip today for art the two classes in year 10, which is my year went to St Ives to visit the Barbara Hepworth museum and the Tate. So today's post is kind of like a diary entry about our day! Enjoy :)

We arrived in St Ives and walked down to the Tate and we split into our classes and went our separate ways. My class went to the Barbara Hepworth museum and the other class stayed at the Tate. 
We had to walk up a really steep hill to get to her studio and my teacher kept taking us the wrong way. The weather was freezing and it even snowed a tiny tiny bit. 
Once we arrived at the museum a lady who worked there told us all about Barbara Hepworth and how she died and her life story. She also took us on a tour and then we were left to look around ourselves and take photos and sketch. In her garden she had a greenhouse with some of her sculptures it. This part of the trip was my favourite because it was so pretty and I would love to have that as a place to read or to chill. It was so pretty. 
I really enjoyed look at her sculptures and and seeing where she worked. I found it fascinating. Her garden was beautiful filled with her sculptures.

After we finished the museum we walked to the Tate and had lunch. When lunch was over we got split into our groups again. My group went on a tour of the Tate and the other went to Barbara's studio. The Tate tour was very boring, the man who guided us was very boring too. I only like some of photography in one of the gallery's. We were left for an hour to go around but we had already been on a tour so we used the free wifi and just sat and chatted. I spent most of my time at the Tate taking endless amounts of photos of the sea. 

So that was my fun art trip of what I got up to blog post hope you enjoyed :) Here's some more photos that I took!

Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year you guys! I hope you had a fabulous New Year's Eve and a good start to 2015! Today's blog post is about my evening and what I want out of 2015. Enjoy!!

Starting with my New Year's Eve! 
For New Year's Eve we went to my nannies and just chilled played some games with the family, listened to music and ate a lot of yummy food! We all dressed up, which I love doing so that was fun. I wore a black jumpsuit from h&m and a pair of black heels and I curled my hair and did sparkley makeup. 
Sorry this is the only photo I took of myself in my outfit! 

My New Years resolutions are to be healthy, do more exercise, be more happy and be positive about everything, do really well in school this year. 

2014 was definitely an amazing year and I'm super excited for this year. I'm focusing on my grades and family, friends and my health this year and I'm going to start improving my photography and film skills. 

I hope everyone and a very happy new year and good luck for 2015! Make it a good one! :)