Sunday 5 July 2015

Sports Day 2015

Hey Everyone! Today, I'm back with another blog post all about this years sports day and this post is FULL of photos! Enjoy :)

So, every year at my school we have a sports day like most schools do. As our school is a sports academy we have a full day full of sports. We have to pick two for a morning session and then we can pick to do track events in the afternoon.

The hole school is involved with sports day and it happens every year in June or July. In our school we are separated in to four different house teams with colours: Arwenack (green), Killigrew (blue), Gluvias (purple) and Pendennis (yellow),  I'm in Arwenack whooo!

During the day all the house teams are all competing against each other and its really fun. We get a choice out of loads of different sports to do in the morning such as football, tag rugby, dodge ball, netball, rounders, trampolining, badminton and many more. There is also the option of doing OAA which is like team building and team work, skateboarding and street dance. These take up the whole morning.

In the afternoon after lunch, the whole school goes down to the school field and we are separated into dens in our house teams and we have load music on and we watch the track events. This year there were soooo many people racing and I'm really proud of everyone. People who were injured ran and people who got injured during their races ran and that made me proud!
Since Septemember the house teams have been collecting house points by doing good work and from through out the day and at the end of sports day they added up all the points and they anounced a winner. Out of the four years I've been at my school, Gluvias or Pendennis have won sports day and my house (Arwenack) have come last or third! But... this year Gluvias came last, Killigrew third, Pendennis second and ARWENACK FIRST!!!!! YESSSSS! So happy that we won on our last sports day!  

I got asked to be the photographer for the school in the afternoon and I photographed the track events so I'm now going to show you my favouirte images and selfies from my last ever sports day! Sad times, but what a great day! 

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